Friday, June 1, 2012

Final Blog Post- Last Piece

These were the words and phrases my group came up with while studying my piece.
First Person:
- Spacy/ lots of negative space
- natural
 - shapeless: amoeba shape

Second Person:
- natural
- abstract feelings
- growth
- delicate
- movement

The responses I received about my piece ended up being almost exactly my intentions.  I liked the idea of negative space as it causes you to really focus on the things painted and the background doesn't take anything away from it.  Natural came up with both people which was definitely my inspiration for this project.  Shapeless is interesting to me and a little different from my intentions.  To me I saw the crazy lines as almost a beehive but the first person saw them as almost an amoeba shape.  This person said they were referring more to the glob that drips into the crazy spiral, but it was still an interesting outlook I hadn't noticed when I created the piece.

The second person felt that the spirals had some abstract feelings that also contrasted the delicate lines of the trees.  She described it as having a lot of movement referring mainly to the spiral things which I was very happy about since that is one of the things I was really going for in this piece when I added the spirals.  The last thing she commented on was the representation of growth.  I was so happy when she made this comment because this is what really inspired my work.  Originally when the project was presented to us I thought of representing our growth as artists in a tree.  My original idea was to show growth through the growth of a tree from a leaf, to a branch, to a trunk, to a whole tree.  While I decided to change this idea a little to just represent a couple branches I was so happy the idea of growth still came through.

I would be very curious to talk to a few more people and see what words they might use to describe my piece.  To see what peoples comments were to the spiral pieces, and to also at some point try this piece again and see what would happen if you just went crazy with the spirals.  I love the way this piece turned out and I would not change anything about this piece, but I would just like to experiment more with this process and see where else it took me. 

list out words
respond to words reinforced intentions

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