My intentions for this project from the last blog post have not changed dramatically. I have stayed on the same path of going with my instincts to create my final piece. For the final my first instinct was to draw the water from the fishes point of view looking upwards. After successfully creating this piece I decided that I wanted to incorporate some part of the fish into my final as I had spent a lot of time understanding the different aspects of the fish and I wanted to include these findings in my final. That is when I decided to include the fish tail and part of the fish body with the scales. I decided not to put the fish on the same piece of paper as the water because I wanted the fish to really stand out so I created the fish on a different sheet of paper and then pasted it on top of the water. I though about doing two fish, but decided against it because I thought it would look like the fish were swimming away from something as oppose to just swimming in a natural direction. Through my use of line and direction I tried to create movement on the page which was further created with the addition of the fish tail to show movement across the page. The other formal element I used a lot was color and using different colors to create a very vibrant scene. All together I think this project was a really amazing experience for me because I had a really in depth process that went all different places which was really interesting. I enjoyed just going with my initial instincts and not being so worried about what I was going to end up doing in the end, but instead just following my instincts and seeing where those ended up taking me.